Aloft – A Poem by Luke Winter

As part of the Wild Goose Festival 2021, poet Luke Winter was commissioned to write a piece inspired by the migration of geese to our region. Luke created a special piece entitled, ‘Aloft’.

The theme of the 2021 festival was around the concept of naturalism, and our association with the natural world, be it physical or felt.

Within the urban environment, the ‘natural world’, is posited as something ‘outside of’ our immediate surroundings.

The ‘natural world’ in this case is elsewhere, in the forest, green, coast or moor. A driver of the 2021 festival was to question this association (or disassociations) to the natural world, and position the natural environment as something not ‘outside of’ or peripheral, but in-fact inherent, to our lives as human beings.

‘We’re all naturalists now, and here are the stories we tell.

Broken into three parts, the poem has been recorded in the authors voice and blended with a birds eye view of the local landscape.

Watch and listen to all three parts of the poem below:

Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

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